Membership Permits (Annual)
If you enjoy riding in a particular area and want to meet people, being part of a club is the way to go. Local riders will show you the best places to ride, and Volunteers will organize social events for you to join throughout the regular season.
Dufferin Grey ATV Club (DGATV) is located in south central Ontario, north west of Toronto, Canada. DGATV falls under the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV) umbrella of social riding clubs, and an OFATV permit is required to be on our trails. (More about DGATV.)
When you become a DGATV member, part of your membership fee goes toward maintaining, improving and wardening DGATV’s trail system. You will receive copies of our newsletters and other member information when made available (not every year). And you are welcome to join our facebook group to keep in contact with our keenest riders who are always happy to answer questions and setup a ride. The rest of your fee pays for government taxes, HST, landowner liability insurance, government lobbying, and helps to cover the operating expenses of the OFATV along with government and other grants.
An annual OFATV pass costs $150-year and is required to be a member of DGATV’s club. The annual permit entitles you to ride OFATV trails at clubs across Ontario for one complete year (365 days). The pass takes effect immediately upon purchase so your anniversary date is one year out. Some of the funds from the permits are remitted to the local club for trail maintenance so please buy where you ride. Family pricing is available. You can buy the permits online through the OFATV.
Click here to buy an OFATV annual membership for DGATV online.
If you have any issues with the online purchases, please contact OFATV at / 705-797-0797.
Carry your wallet card with you and place your permit sticker on your ATV in a visible manner on the left/front side of your machine so when Wardens approach they can see it clearly. This makes for a lot smoother verification process if you are stopped.
OFATV has reciprocal riding agreements with New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island.
Day Permits
1-Day passes ($20) and 3-Day passes ($50 – must be used on consecutive days) can be purchased online.
Maps are available online through OFATV’s QuadON website ( and through OFATV’s QuadON ATV trail app (available at Apple Store and Google Play). Additionally, hardcopy maps are printed periodically and can be requested as part of your membership when they are available.
Link to an article about OFATV’s QuadON ATV trail app.
To ATV legally on public roads and trails in Ontario you must have:
– a valid driver’s licence
– proof of ATV ownership
– registration
– insurance
– helmet
– valid trail permit
You will be crossing roads and some rough terrain so there are risks inherent in the ride. You wouldn’t want something to happen that may affect the rest of your life and not be covered by insurance. Insurance can be obtained through your regular insurance provider.
Talk to Us
DGATV’s Board of Directors meet on the third Wednesday of every month excluding December. The Dundalk Legion (Branch #285) is located at 109 Proton St. N. in Dundalk. Members and prospective members are welcome. If there is a problem with any of the above, do not hesitate to contact us.
Note the words “pass”, “permit” and “membership” are used interchangeably for the most part, with “membership” being used to refer to an annual commitment.
See also: