by Donna Baylis | Apr 4, 2019 | Events, Wardens
Warden training is planned for Saturday, May 4 and Sunday May 5, 2019. The session starts at 10am and runs until lunch time. Bring your lunch. Afterwards, a ride and field training so feel free to bring your bike (weather-permitting). There is no charge for the training. RSVP.
Location: Markdale Agricultural Services Centre, 206 Toronto Street South, Markdale, ON, N0C 1H0 (back of building)
Registration: Contact Dan Liedtke, Chief Warden, at 519.266.3559 (extension 5) or
Becoming a Warden is a great way to Volunteer. You can help monitor the trails, answer visiting riders’ questions and represent DGATV on the trail. It’s also a great excuse to meet fellow riding enthusiasts and to get out for a ride!
Click here to learn more about what a becoming a Warden does for our club.
See also:
More about Wardens
by Donna Baylis | Mar 20, 2018 | Events, Wardens
Warden training is planned for Saturday, May 5, 2018. The session starts at 10am and runs until lunch time. Afterwards, a ride and field training so feel free to bring your bike.
Location: Markdale Agricultural Services Centre, 206 Toronto Street, Markdale, ON (back of building)
Registration: Contact Dan Liedtke, Chief Warden, at 519.266.3559 (extension 5) or
Becoming a Warden is a great way to Volunteer. You can help monitor the trails, answer visiting riders’ questions and represent DGATV on the trail. It’s also a great excuse to meet fellow riding enthusiasts and to get out for a ride!
Click here to learn more about what a becoming a Warden does for our club.
See also:
ATV Season
More about Wardens
by Donna Baylis | Apr 27, 2017 | Events, Wardens
Warden training is planned for Saturday, April 29, 2017. The session starts at 10am and runs until lunch time. Afterwards, a ride and field training so feel free to bring your bike.
Another training session is planned for Sunday, May 7, 2017 if more convenient.
Location: Markdale Agricultural Services Centre, 206 Toronto Street, Markdale, ON (back of building)
Pre-registration: Contact Dan Liedtke, Chief Warden, at 519.266.3559 (extension 5)
Becoming a Warden is a great way to Volunteer. You can help monitor the trails, answer visiting riders’ questions and represent DGATV on the trail. It’s also a great excuse to meet fellow riding enthusiasts and to get out for a ride!
Click here to learn more about DGATV Warden responsibilities.
by Donna Baylis | Mar 30, 2017 | Reference, Wardens
Do you like to ride? Need an excuse to get out on the trails? Becoming a Warden may fit the bill …
First, in mid-April, help us prepare DGATV’s trails for the season. Get together with other Wardens and Trail Committee members to ride the trail and report/fix any problem areas. Help clear brush, fix holes, post signage, create maps, ensure the safety of all riders.
Second, your duty would be to ride! Represent DGATV and the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV) by being an obvious source of help, as well as a deterrent against breaking the rules.
Third, DGATV needs riders on the trail who are familiar with the area and who can be an effective agent for our club. As a Warden you would be responsible for seeking out other riders to answer any questions, educate riders on the benefits of being a club member, carry and sell permits, report any problems with the trail, and file a report after each trip to assure our land-owners that their interests are our priority.
Fourth, we ask that you participate in our social events — mark a trail, lead a group, see to it that all riders have a safe and happy riding experience.
Finally, in November, help us close the trail in preparation for winter shutdown and the start of snowmobile season.
By becoming a Warden Volunteer you help make ATVing a viable recreational sport within Dufferin and Grey counties, and in Ontario as a whole. We can’t do it without you!
Contact if you are interested in the half-day training session required to become a Warden.
See also:
Warden Reporting
DGATV’s Executive / Board of Directors
by Donna Baylis | Jan 18, 2017 | Reference, Wardens
Once you have taken your Warden training, you will be given a handbook, vest, and identity card.
You will also be expected to join our private closed facebook group “DGATV Wardens”. This is one of the ways you can contact the Executive, ask and answer questions, and make your reports.
You can also send your information by e-mail to
Be sure you include this information:
- Date and time
- Location (specifically County)
- Incident details and/or trail status — note the weather, how many riders you have seen, whether they had passes, the condition of the trail, any other vehicles, etc.
- Your Name (if not obvious)
Get into the habit of making a report every time you ride. We need to know problems, but we also want to know that everything is OK. In fact, if we are all doing our jobs, then everything should be OK.
It is important that our landowners know we are riding regularly and looking out for their best interests.
So please file a report. Our Chief Warden will monitor the e-mail address and scan the facebook group to copy and paste your pertinent information into a monthly Executive report.
If you have any questions, contact or
See also: Warden Responsibilities Volunteers FAQs