DGATV Breakfast Club Ride (2024)

DGATV Breakfast Club Ride for Beavercrest Community School – Markdale (June 22, 2024)

Thanks to everyone that braved the drizzly day to support Beavercrest School Breakfast program. We raised $345 from donations and the club matched it for a total of $690.
Thanks to the Flesherton Scouts for a great lunch at Harkaway Forest.

DGATV thanks all our Volunteers, Directors, Wardens, Landowners, Sponsors and Riders … we couldn’t do it without You!

DGATV’s Sponsors



South Grey Home and Garden Show (April 27-28, 2024)

Dear Dufferin Grey ATV Club

I hope this email finds you well. We would like to personally thank you for your participation in the South Grey Home and Garden Show. It was a huge success, and it would not have been possible if not for you and your contribution.

We are happy to inform you that the winner of the embroidered hat and shirt is Del Hill from Markdale!

We’re also happy to announce that Jean McCauly emerged as the lucky winner of our Passport Prize Draw this year! Congratulations to Jean!

Thank you again for your contribution, and for participating in this year’s Home and Garden Show.

We are also excited to inform you that next year’s Home and Garden Show will take place on Sat. April 26th, and Sun. April 27th. We hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Event Committee


DGATV’s Season Start, News & Upcoming Events (2024)

Graphic art courtesy of South Grey Home and Garden Show

ATV & side-by-side riding season starts May 1st and runs to November 30th weather permitting.

DGATV’s season started with the annual general meeting on March 24, 2024 at the Dundalk Legion and ends with November 30th or snow, whichever comes first.

DGATV’s Executive meets on the third Wednesday of every month excluding December.  The next meeting is scheduled for May 15th where we are ramping up for the 2024 season so mark your calendar!

Upcoming Events

  • DGATV Start of Season (May 1st weather permitting)
  • OFATV Provincial Action on Litter (May 14, 2024) 
  • OFATV Safety Week (May 17 to June 9, 2024)
  • DGATV Breakfast Club Ride for Beavercrest Community School – Markdale (June 22, 2024)
  • DGATV Canada Day Ride (July 1, 2024) – in support of Veterans
  • DGATV Breast Cancer Research Ride (July 20, 2024) 
  • DGATV Autumn Harvest Ride in Dundalk (Sunday, September 15, 2024) – cancelled
  • Harkaway Forest Closed (October 15, 2024)
  • DGATV End of Season (November 30, 2024)

We hope you have a great riding season and don’t forget to …

Come Ride With Us!

Dufferin Grey ATV Club


DGATV’s Annual General Meeting (March 24, 2024)

This year DGATV’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Dundalk Legion (109 Proton St. N., Dundalk) at 1pm.

Mark your calendar and join us for this year’s AGM.  Connect with Executive members and other ATV and side-by-side enthusiasts.  Learn about our club and what we do for you.  Get your questions answered.  Vote for the upcoming season’s Directors and/or volunteer to join the Executive!

DGATV’s Board of Directors consists of seven (7) Directors with two (2) year terms.  Theoretically, no more than half of the Board should come up for election each year so ideally DGATV never has an entirely new Board of Directors.

Candidates for Director must be on record as a DGATV member for at least three (3) months.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Dufferin Grey ATV Club Inc. is scheduled for Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1:00pm.

All Members of the Dufferin Grey ATV Club Inc. are welcome and wallet card with permit number will be requested for verification.

Time:  Registration opens at 12:30pm.

Location:  Dundalk Legion, 109 Proton St. N., Dundalk, ON


  • To receive the Report of the Executive.
  • To hear the Treasurer’s Report.
  • To elect four (4) Directors positions for two (2) year terms.
  • To address New Business.

Votes may be recorded for the record.

Would you like to see ATVing promoted in Ontario? Do you have ideas? Join us as a Member, a Volunteer or a Director to advance the sport of ATVing. The ultimate goal is a web of community and family friendly trails spanning the province but we need people like YOU to make that dream come true.

More information can be found at www.dgatv.ca or call 519.266.3559.

DGATV’s Executive




One Permit – Take Action!

Take Action: Contact Your Local MPP for a One Permit Model for ATVs in Ontario!

Visit https://vist.ly/w6t3 to use the OFATV’s template form.

Join the movement and stand up for a proposed One Trail, One Permit model for ATV riders in Ontario. It’s time to rally together and urge our local Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to support this important initiative.

With over 600,000 insured ATV and Quad riders in Ontario, it’s crucial to enhance safety, improve trail accessibility, boost tourism, and align the ATV community with the Ontario Snowmobile Club permitting system. We need your voice to make it happen!

By reaching out to your local MPP and expressing your support for the One Trail, One Permit model, you can make a significant impact. This legislative fix falls under the Ministry of Transportation and Minister Mulroney, presenting a clear opportunity for positive change.

Ontario’s ATV industry is thriving, but outdated and inconsistent permitting systems hinder riders from fully enjoying the vast trail network our province has to offer. Let’s advocate for a streamlined and cohesive ATV permitting system that ensures rider safety and provides reliable trails for all enthusiasts.

Together, we can make a difference. Contact your local MPP today and let them know that you support the One Trail, One Permit model for ATV riders in Ontario. Join us in creating a safer and more enjoyable ATV experience for everyone!

Don’t forget to use the following hashtags on social media:

#OFATV #QuadON #OnePermitATVs #OntarioATVPermit


Trail Closure (2023) – ATV Season

Time to wind down after a terrific riding season.

It was a good summer and we had some great events raising funds for local charities.

Looking ahead to 2024 season, ATVing on DGATV’s trails generally starts May 1st (weather-permitting) and stays open to November 30th or until snow cover.  Once the snow plows are out, ATV rider safety becomes an issue.

Exceptions are:

  • Harkaway Forest opens to riding Tuesday-after-Victoria Day-weekend and closes on October 15th.
  • Grey County roads opens to riding on April 15th and closes on November 15th.
  • Owen Sound and Shelburne open to riding on April 15th.
Note:  All dates are tentative based on the landowner authorization.

While Walters Falls tract remains closed under new ownership, we are thankful that we had the opportunity to ride there.  Hopefully our club and organization have good reputations so similar opportunities might arrive to ride such great properties in the future.

Remember to stay tuned to our social media at the start of season.

Enjoy your winter and holiday season!