DGATV Supports Grey County Trails (2024)

On December 20th, 2024 members of the DGATV Executive were proud to present a cheque for $10,000 to the Grey County Warden on behalf of DGATV’s members to support rail trail maintenance.

Photo features DGATV Treasurer Ruth Ann Turnbull, Grey County Warden Andrea Matrosovs, DGATV President Dave Ernest, DGATV Directors Rusty Birchard and Steven J. Shibish.


DGATV Breakfast Club Ride (2024)

DGATV Breakfast Club Ride for Beavercrest Community School – Markdale (June 22, 2024)

Thanks to everyone that braved the drizzly day to support Beavercrest School Breakfast program. We raised $345 from donations and the club matched it for a total of $690.
Thanks to the Flesherton Scouts for a great lunch at Harkaway Forest.

DGATV thanks all our Volunteers, Directors, Wardens, Landowners, Sponsors and Riders … we couldn’t do it without You!

DGATV’s Sponsors



South Grey Home and Garden Show (April 27-28, 2024)

Dear Dufferin Grey ATV Club

I hope this email finds you well. We would like to personally thank you for your participation in the South Grey Home and Garden Show. It was a huge success, and it would not have been possible if not for you and your contribution.

We are happy to inform you that the winner of the embroidered hat and shirt is Del Hill from Markdale!

We’re also happy to announce that Jean McCauly emerged as the lucky winner of our Passport Prize Draw this year! Congratulations to Jean!

Thank you again for your contribution, and for participating in this year’s Home and Garden Show.

We are also excited to inform you that next year’s Home and Garden Show will take place on Sat. April 26th, and Sun. April 27th. We hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Event Committee


DGATV Trail Work (April 2024)

DGATV Director, Steven Shibish, was photographed in The Advance on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, an edition that highlighted community volunteers.

DGATV is pleased to work with landowners and land stewards, townships and counties to help keep the trails safe and in good repair.



DGATV Fall Harvest Ride (2023) Donation

DGATV had a great turn out of almost 60 bikes for this lovely autumn ride through our north area trails.

The two groups lunched at the Harkaway Forest with food provided by the Flesherton Scouts and the proceeds from their sales going to support their activities.

Proceeds from the ride in the amount of $1,144.16 were donated to the Markdale Food Bank along with non-perishable food items that were collected.

DGATV’s Sponsors