by Donna Baylis | May 18, 2018 | Archive (Old Information), Events
*** Archived: 22-Apr-2021 Click here for updated information.
Introducing DGATV’s Side-By-Side Bypass Trail

Dufferin Grey ATV Club (DGATV) welcomes side-by-sides riders as members and on the trail.
To-date, our local counties have not authorized side-by-sides on county properties. Grey County is undertaking a Recreational Trails Master Plan to help manage the trails and plan for the future — the report is due any day now. The rail trail and county forests will be addressed in that plan.
Whether or not Grey County allows side-by-sides on the trail (or ATVs for that matter), it is expected that Dufferin County will follow suit.
In the meantime, DGATV’s volunteers have marked a by-pass trail so that side-by-sides (up to 65″) can travel without going on the rail trail. The by-pass signs have a blue streak across either the top or bottom as shown:

Parking is available in Dundalk and Markdale.
So now it’s official — Side-by-side Riders, Come Ride With Us!
See also:
by Donna Baylis | Oct 20, 2016 | Archive (Old Information)
*** ARCHIVED 22-Apr-2021″
Since July 1st, 2015 side-by-sides and 2-ups* are legally allowed on the roads in Ontario, but each municipality must amend their by-laws to allow the vehicles locally. To that end, OFATV clubs approached each of the regional counties and townships asking to amend the by-laws so that side-by-sides and 2-ups can be welcomed on local trails.
2-ups were an easy sell. Today 2-ups are allowed on all of DGATV’s trails, however, the larger side-by-sides are another matter.
Side-by-sides are not allowed on county-owned properties, the CP rail trail or the forest properties, including Harkaway Forest, without special permission.
DGATV continues to petition the counties hoping to approve and widen the rail trail gates (maximum vehicle width 65”) to accommodate these larger machines. Progress is being made so keep an eye on our social media for special events that welcome side-by-sides.
Side-by-sides are allowed on most municipal roads and the majority of county roads, as well as private property. DGATV has a private property in Walters Falls where members can ride although some of the trails are challenging.
Dufferin County
In Dufferin County, side-by-sides are not allowed on the rail trail, in the county forests or on the county roads. However, Amaranth, East Luther and Melancthon municipal roadways are open.
Grey County
In Grey County, side-by-sides are not allowed on the rail trail or in the county forests pending their overall forest trail strategy. All municipal roads and the majority of county roads are open for the season. A map of open Grey County roads (.pdf) is available at
What Can You Do?
Let the counties know that you would visit, or would visit our area again, if side-by-sides are welcome on the trail. For Dufferin County e-mail with your comments. For Grey County e-mail
* Single-rider bikes with an added-on passenger seat are not considered 2-ups and are not legal to ride on the roads with a passenger.
See also:
Side-by-side By-pass Trail