
Dufferin Grey ATV Club, the County of Dufferin and the County of Grey are pleased to announce that side-by-sides (maximum width 54″) are welcome on the rail trail and in Harkaway Forest when this riding season begins.

After several years of negotiations with impressive perseverance, DGATV’s Board of Directors are happy to make this announcement — a crowning achievement to celebrate DGATV’s 15th Anniversary!

Side-by-side owners have shown a lot of interest in making full use of DGATV’s trails and we expect that the club will garner new members as a result of this terrific news.

Adjustments will be made to the trails to accommodate the width limit (i.e. gate tweaks) over the summer season.  If you see an area that needs attention please contact with location and specifics.

Larger side-by-sides (maximum width 65″) are still welcome to use the blue-markered rail trail by-pass.

While side-by-sides are generally welcome on Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV) trails, remember to check with the local club before you ride to ensure that side-by-sides are accepted on their trails.

Looking forward to a great season ATV & Side-by-side Riders!