*** Archived: 22-Apr-2021  Click here for updated information.

Introducing DGATV’s Side-By-Side Bypass Trail

Dufferin Grey ATV Club (DGATV) welcomes side-by-sides riders as members and on the trail.

To-date, our local counties have not authorized side-by-sides on county properties.  Grey County is undertaking a Recreational Trails Master Plan to help manage the trails and plan for the future — the report is due any day now.  The rail trail and county forests will be addressed in that plan.

Whether or not Grey County allows side-by-sides on the trail (or ATVs for that matter), it is expected that Dufferin County will follow suit.

In the meantime, DGATV’s volunteers have marked a by-pass trail so that side-by-sides (up to 65″) can travel without going on the rail trail.  The by-pass signs have a blue streak across either the top or bottom as shown:

Parking is available in Dundalk and Markdale.

So now it’s official — Side-by-side Riders, Come Ride With Us!

See also:
