Dufferin Grey ATV Club’s (DGATV) mandate is to bring safe recreational family-oriented ATV riding to the counties of Dufferin and Grey with a view to benefiting both riders and our local communities. DGATV promotes environmental awareness, protecting the natural resources that we all want to enjoy, and promotes tourism, providing our riders with places of interest to visit and our communities with the economic benefits that result.
Our club is responsible for lobbying for ATV access within local municipalities, building and maintaining trails, and educating riders about safety, environmental consideration and trail etiquette.
DGATV is setup to include side-by-side vehicles but not motorcycles.
If you enjoy riding in a particular area and want to meet people, being part of a club is the way to go.
DGATV is a member of the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV) and our rider memberships are purchased and tracked through that Ontario-wide organization. Click for more about OFATV Member Benefits or to Buy a Membership. Make sure you choose Dufferin Grey ATV Club (DGATV) when you buy your membership.
As part of DGATV Club, local riders will show you the best places to ride by organizing social events for you to join. See DGATV’s Google Calendar (below) for our list of events and click here for more event information (upcoming and past events).
You will receive a copy of our map when you buy a membership, and copies of our newsletters and other member information.
Be satisfied in knowing that your membership fee goes toward making ATV riding in Ontario a viable recreation, also part of your fee goes directly to DGATV’s trails.
You can be as involved as you want to be — ride, or have an excuse to ride by volunteering to work on the trail, lead an event, become a Warden, and have a voice in the future of ATVing in Ontario.
DGATV’s Volunteer Board of Directors meet on the third Wednesday of every month excluding December. The Dundalk Legion (Branch #285) is located at 109 Proton St. N. in Dundalk. Members and prospective members are welcome.
See also: